
The scope of our consultancy is multidimensional to ensure we offer value to our clients. We work with a well trained and experienced team Globally. Our consultancies scope entails:

  • Entrepreneurial & private business
  • Crisis management
  • Legal &Tax
  • Audit &Assurance
  • Risk & Financial Consulting
  • Strategy and sustainability
  • Business Investment analysis
  • IT Consultancy (cybersecurity, information and technical advisory.)
  • Project design and management

Training & Capacity Building

The scope of our capacity building programs embraces a multidimensional approach to entrepreneurship, financial literacy, sustainable research and socio-economic development.

We strengthen all sectors:

Financial planning and management; Investment management; Retirement, Estate Planning; business planning and Strategy; Risk Management; Data Analysis and Reporting; Proposal writing; project design and implementation; Sales& Marketing; Employee relations; Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E); business strategy; crisis management.

Research and Documentation(R&D) Services

Data Collection Services

We are continuously developing and enhancing tools and technologies to provide standard and custom data collection solutions to our clients’ objectives. We combine online and mobile survey technologies in innovative ways to provide timely, accurate, reliable and cost-effective data collection and management services.

Survey Programming

We provide our clients with quality online mobile data collection services through developing and deploying mobile phone based surveys. We have had vast experience in deploying mobile data collection tools like: Open Data Kit (ODK), CSPro for android, Survey CTO, Survey To Go, Kobo Collect, etc.

Data Processing , Analysis & Management

We are equipped with the full range of data interrogation software packages including STATA, SPSS, RStudio, Excel, NVIVO, EPI INFO, etc. Our data processing team are experienced in data Cleaning, tabulation and analysis; thus we are able to provide our clients with data tabulations and raw data in a range of formats (Excel, SPSS, ASCII, etc.).

Open-End Coding

Our trained coders have proven experience in processing verbatim response translations in sectors such as: WASH; Public Health, Agriculture and Rural livelihoods, Financial Management, and ICT 4 Development. We train our own linguists on verbatim coding, as well as recruiting those already with extensive experience in questionnaire response coding and research translation for our clients so as to deliver accurate results guaranteed to reflect the voice of the respondent.

Monitoring & Evaluation

We have expertise in developing M&E frameworks for monitoring the performance of programs. Our M&E criteria involves designing: Monitoring and Evaluation systems; Result-Based Management and Defining Results; Developing and Selecting Indicators; Data Responsibility and Frequency; Grouping Indicators and Planning Data Collection; Output Monitoring Tools and Design; Monitoring and Evaluation Work plans and Study Planning.